Fees and Payments
Please get in touch and we will clarify the nursery’s fee structure for the number of childcare sessions required for your child each week. A £33 non-refundable deposit for paid nursery places is required on registration. Except where otherwise agreed by the nursery manager, we also require fees to be paid in advance of the first day attended by your child.
If a place is booked but subsequently no longer needed, an advanced notice period of 4 weeks will be required by the nursery, during which payment of fees still applies.
Full fees will also need to be paid for your child should they be absent e.g. through illness or because they’re away on holiday. This allows us to hold their place open for them. No charges are made by the nursery when it is closed, however.
Certain benefits may be available in some circumstances and our lone parent advisor can be made available to discuss options where applicable.