Free Childcare in Hindley Green — for Eligible Children Aged 9 Months to 4 Years

Free Childcare in Hindley Green — for Children 9 Months to 4 Years

Eligible working families can access substantial free childcare in Hindley Green and elsewhere — and the funding scheme is supported by Little Acorns Nursery. Since September 2024, free “childcare hours” have been available for eligible babies aged from just 9 months as well as for eligible toddlers and preschoolers aged up to Compulsory School Age. What’s more, the number of free hours is set to increase next year (2025) for the youngest children. In today’s post, we’ll explain more about who is eligible — and it’s a lot of families — how many free childcare hours they can access, and how the funding will increase from September next year. With Little Acorns Nursery supporting the schemes, this is great news for families of under-fives living in and around Hindley Green and Wigan, Greater Manchester.

Why the Increase in Free Childcare?

The new childcare allocation stems from then Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt’s ‘Spring Budget’ back in March 2023. There, he announced the plans for the new childcare provision, the first major stage of which started rolling out recently, in September 2024. It now allows many more families to enrol children in early years education at a younger age, which is proven to benefit them significantly. In tandem, it helps parents, especially mums, get back into the workplace to continue careers and increase household income. The childcare funding scheme is therefore designed to help children, their families, and the economy. The free provision is set to expand still further in September 2025. We explain more below.

570 Free Childcare Hours for Eligible Babies 9 Months +

570 free childcare hours are available for eligible babies and toddlers aged 9 Months+Since September 2024, the number of free childcare hours available for eligible children aged 9 months to 2 years (inclusive) is 570 per year. This is usually taken as 15 hours per week over 38 term-time weeks of the year*. In further good news, the allocation is set to double to 1140 hours per year from September 2025, thereby aligning with what eligible 3 and 4-year-olds are already entitled to (see below).

1140 Free Childcare Hours for Eligible Children Aged 3 & 4

1140 free childcare hours are available for eligible children aged 3 & 4.Meanwhile, a total of 1140 hours of free childcare is currently available for eligible children aged 3 and 4 each year. This is usually taken as 30 hours per week over 38 term-time weeks of the year*.

* Some childcare providers may be able to allocate the total hours over a different number of weeks. For example, fewer hours per week over more weeks of the year. Ask your chosen childcare provider if they offer the flexibility to ‘stretch’ hours in this way.

Eligibility for the Scheme

The bar to entry for this particular childcare funding scheme is actually low, so many working families are eligible. We outline the core eligibility requirements below:

  • It’s for children aged from 9 months up to Compulsory School Age, which children reach in the term following their 5th birthday.
  • The free childcare funding is for working families.
  • Each of the child’s parents (or a parent and partner if applicable) should not earn() more than £100k in the current tax year.
  • At the lower end of the earnings scale, they must earn the equivalent of at least 16 hours each week, over the next 3 months, paid at the National Minimum Wage or National Living Wage() or above.
  • They must have a valid National Insurance (NI) number for use during their funding application.

Additional caveats around eligibility apply in certain circumstances, for example, for foster carers, those starting new jobs, people who are self-employed or have incomes that are irregular, and a few other circumstances. More details about eligibility are available here.

Get Started on Your Childcare Funding Application

To get started, first check your eligibility and then, if eligible, apply for the childcare funding here. Applications can be made once your child reaches the age of 23 weeks (a little over 5 months) and eligibility will need to be reconfirmed every 3 months. Successful applicants will receive a code, which they’ll need to give to their chosen childcare provider.

Not Eligible?

Even 3 and 4-year-olds not eligible under the working families provision above can access a substantial number of free childcare hours. What’s known as ‘Universal Entitlement’ already entitles all children aged 3 and 4 living in England to 570 annual childcare hours.

Some 2 and 3-year-olds are also eligible for 570 annual childcare hours but under a different, more stringent scheme. It’s available if parents receive certain qualifying benefits, or when children fall into specific additional needs categories, e.g. are looked after by a local authority or are subject to an ECH plan. More details for a range of funded childcare schemes can be found here.

Free Childcare in Hindley Green, Wigan, & Greater Manchester

Consider a Nursery Place for Your Baby, Toddler or Child Under Five at Little Acorns

Little Acorns Nursery & Pre-School in Hindley Green, near Wigan, Bolton & ManchesterLittle Acorns Nursery in Hindley Green is rated as a good childcare provider by Ofsted.Whether your child is funded by family or via one of the government-funded childcare schemes, Little Acorns Nursery in Hindley Green is a great place for babies and children aged up to 5. As well as supporting many of the available funded childcare schemes, the nursery is well-thought-of by Ofsted and gives every child a wonderful start to their early years. They’ll feel loved, valued, and nurtured at Little Acorns Nursery and we’ll bring out the very best in every child. It’s all part of our goals of helping them become the very best version of themselves and preparing them for starting school as they approach school age.

If you would like to enrol your child or bring them along for a tour of Little Acorns Nursery in Hindley Green, please choose an appropriate button below. We’re also happy to answer any questions that you might have:

Little Acorns is a high-quality nursery and preschool in Hindley Green, Wigan, also being convenient for families nearby in Bickershaw, Leigh, Atherton, Westhoughton, Ince-in-Makerfield, Platt Bridge, Tyldesley, Bolton and Greater Manchester.

Connect With Us on Social Media — for Latest Nursery News & Early Years Information

Connect With Us on Social Media — for Latest Nursery News & Early Years Information

This is a message to parents, guardians and caregivers of children under five, especially if they’re attending Little Acorns Nursery in Hindley Green. Please connect with us on social media to keep up to date with news and useful information. We regularly publish updates including some of the goings-on at the nursery/preschool itself as well as highly useful information about parenting, early years education, childcare, and much more. You can follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and X (formerly Twitter). And, of course, we post highly useful articles right here on our blog. Read on for more details.

“Please connect with us on social media to keep up to date with news and useful information.”

Follow Little Acorns Nursery on Facebook

Subscribe to our Facebook channel, particularly if your child attends Little Acorns Nursery in Hindley Green. Facebook is one of our key social media channels through which parents of our nursery children can see many of the activities they have taken part in. If you follow us, you’ll see the little ones being creative, learning through play, taking part in a wide variety of tasks, playing outside and indoors, going on excursions, and learning while enjoying themselves in many different ways.

We’re @littleacornshindleygreen on Facebook and you can follow us on Facebook here.

Follow Us on Instagram

You can follow us on Instagram too. Little Acorns Nursery publishes a pictorial quick reference and links to many of our super-useful and informative blog posts, plus photos of the children playing, discovering, and learning. It’s especially suited to those who like to scroll for mainly photo-based updates and information on handheld devices like smartphones.

We’re @LittleAcornsHindleyGreen on Instagram and you can follow us on Instagram here.

Follow Us on Pinterest

Little Acorns Nursery has a Pinterest profile too. If you don’t yet use Pinterest, it’s highly recommended as a place to save or view curated ‘pin boards’ of interesting and useful content linked from around the Internet. Our own Pinterest channel has separate pinboards for Little Acorns blog posts, the early years, nature activities for under-fives, early years parenting, sensory activity ideas for little ones, outdoor play, nursery school activities and preschool. We may add more in due course.

On Pinterest, we are @LittleAcornsNurseryWN2, so please follow us on Pinterest here.

Follow Us on X (formerly Twitter)

Little Acorns Nursery is also on X (formerly Twitter) and, if you follow us on that channel, you’ll be able to see our highly useful posts and curated reposts about everything to do with childcare and the early years, as well as activity ideas for under-fives and posts showing what the children and babies have been up to at the nursery/preschool.

We’re @LittleAcornsWN2 on X, so please follow us on X here.

Bookmark Our News Blog

Last but not least, we publish highly useful information relating to children under five – every month – here on the blog. This will be useful whether or not your child attends the nursery as it will include well-researched posts, findings of studies relating to the early years, childcare funding information, interesting articles, updates from the Hindley Green nursery itself, plus a whole lot more. Our news blog can be found here (once there, you can bookmark it simply by clicking Ctrl + d on your keyboard).

Please Leave Us a Review

If you are a happy parent of a child at our Hindley Green nursery, we’d love it if you would be kind enough to leave us some positive feedback. Here are some options:

Of course, if there is anything you’re not happy about, please get in touch so that we can remedy it right away.

Many thanks!

Little Acorns Nursery, Hindley Green

Are you looking for a high-quality nursery in Hindley Green, or near Wigan?

Little Acorns Nursery & Pre-School in Hindley Green, near Wigan, Bolton & ManchesterLittle Acorns Nursery in Hindley Green is rated as a good childcare provider by Ofsted.Little Acorns is a very good nursery & preschool, located in Hindley Green. That’s also close to Wigan, Bickershaw, Leigh, Atherton, Westhoughton, Ince-in-Makerfield, Platt Bridge, Tyldesley, Bolton and Greater Manchester. So, if you have a child under five and live near any of those locations, do consider Little Acorns for your weekday childcare. We’re rated by Ofsted as a ‘Good Provider’ of childcare and early years education and also support various free Government childcare funding schemes for eligible families. Most importantly, though, we give babies, toddlers and preschoolers the very best start in life by bringing out the best in each one. If you’d like your child to absolutely thrive and live in the Wigan area, please get in touch:

Open Days for Little Acorns Nursery Hindley Green – July 2024

Open Days for Little Acorns Nursery Hindley Green – July 2024

Little Acorns Nursery & Pre-School in Hindley Green, near Wigan, Bolton & ManchesterLittle Acorns Nursery in Hindley Green is rated as a good childcare provider by Ofsted.Little Acorns Nursery in Hindley Green is holding three open days in July 2024. So, if you are a parent, guardian, or caregiver of a baby or child under five in the Hindley Green region, register to come along. We’d love to meet you and show you and your little one around! You’ll be able to see the wonderful, newly refurbished setting in action, its incredible resources and equipment, the extensive outdoor grounds with all their different zones, and the happy children learning through play at this amazing childcare setting near Wigan.

Nursery Open Days 2024
Tuesday 23rd | Thursday 25th | Friday 26th July

Register for an Open Day: Call 01942 259 870

Take a look at the poster for details:

Poster for Little Acorns Nursery open days in July 2024.

Register for an Open Day: Call 01942 259 870

Little Acorns is at 74 Smiths Lane, Hindley Green, Wigan WN2 4XR. We are a superb childcare nursery & preschool in Hindley Green, near Wigan, also suitable for families requiring a good childcare nursery near Bickershaw, Leigh, Atherton, Westhoughton, Ince-in-Makerfield, Platt Bridge, Tyldesley, Bolton and Greater Manchester.


A Beautiful Make-Over for Little Acorns Nursery, Hindley Green

A Beautiful Make-Over for Little Acorns Nursery, Hindley Green

The start of 2024 saw the commencement of a wonderful new refurbishment at the nursery. Little Acorns Nursery’s owners and management organised some significant improvements, which are already well-progressed upstairs and will continue on the ground floor of this Hindley Green childcare setting. Today we take a closer look and share with you some images of the progress and remarkable facelift that’s taking place. We’ll update you again in later months when the work is complete. Enjoy!

Why the Refurbishment?

As many will know, we took on the existing premises fairly recently and, before that, it had not been significantly updated in probably 20 years or more. In view of this, a refurbishment project was designed to update the overall aesthetics of the setting, tidy things up, and give the nursery a more modern, fresh look. While doing so, lighting, storage, flooring and other facilities are also being improved.

Work Started Early in January

Following a thorough risk assessment, work began right at the start of January this year. Initially, the focus has been on the classrooms upstairs. The structure to the ceiling there was totally renewed to both improve it and create extra storage in the loft area above. A method of easy access was installed to facilitate the use of this new storage space by staff. While working on the new ceiling structure, downlighters were spaced around the new ceilings and these vastly improved the lighting. Walls have been freshly plastered, skirtings were renewed and all painted in a lovely, fresh white. The spaces now have a lovely light, spacious and open feel about them.

For the flooring, luxury vinyl tiling was laid and, as you can see in some of the photographs, this is a high-quality floor that gives the rooms a modern, warm, and spacious feel. It will also be easy to keep clean. We’re also aiming for the spaces upstairs to be clutter-free once complete.

As you can see, the upstairs classrooms are already looking calming and inviting. We’re sure it will look even more fabulous once it’s all decked out with new furniture. In addition, resources and other enhancements will be added for the children. These will be things that they will find exciting, engaging and, in turn, will promote development. We can’t wait to see it all finished and it’s going to be wonderful for the children!

New Bathroom, New Hallway

The bathroom for the children was also renewed completely to bring things up to date.

In addition, the hallway and stairwell were completely overhauled with a lovely new carpet to the stairs, newly plastered walls and fresh new paint on all surfaces.

Next Steps

We’re currently sourcing new furniture in readiness for the newly refurbished nursery, particularly now that the upstairs is so far advanced. Some of the photographs also hint at some of the lovely interior design elements that are already beginning to bring the spaces to life.

Next on the agenda is an equally thorough refurbishment of the downstairs areas. We will have new flooring, a lovely new downstairs bathroom, spotlights throughout, new plastering, fresh paint, and refreshed skirting boards.

The ‘archways’ will also be sealed off and essentially removed. This will minimise noise ingress from one room to another.

An existing flat roof will be completely taken down and replaced with a new one. That will occur during the forthcoming Easter break, so as to avoid disruption to the day-to-day workings of the nursery. We will also install modern bi-fold doors that will give flexible and free-flowing access to the outdoor areas when appropriate.

Eventually, we’ll also renew the external signage, although this is likely to follow after the more involved improvements to the interiors are complete.

The Nursery Remained Open Throughout!

Incredibly, the childcare nursery remained – and will continue to remain – open, right through the refurbishment process. That’s accomplished through careful planning, regular health and safety risk assessments with sign-off by all relevant parties, and careful control over which areas children and workmen have access to. It’s rather like conducting a well-practised orchestra! Families were and still are, of course, also kept informed via verbal communication, signage, and also through updates sent out to families via our “Famly” smartphone app. Rest assured, the health, safety and well-being of our children is our topmost priority throughout all changes occurring at Little Acorns Nursery in Hindley Green. Once complete, the day-to-day lives of both staff and children will be hugely enhanced.

We’ll publish updates on the further progress of the refurbishments over the coming months, so watch this space!

About Little Acorns Nursery School, Hindley Green, near Wigan

The best start for babies and children under 5 with a comprehensive Early Years education

Little Acorns Nursery & Preschool in Hindley Green, near Wigan, Bolton & ManchesterLittle Acorns Nursery in Hindley Green is rated as a good childcare provider by Ofsted.

At Little Acorns Nursery in Hindley Green, babies and children under five receive a high-quality early years education in a wonderful nursery and preschool. Here, they are nurtured, feel valued, and are exceptionally well cared for. The setting is warm and inviting too — a real home-from-home for little ones — with highly professional childcare practitioners on hand to bring out the very best in them. We have fabulous facilities and resources too, both inside and out, and are a ‘good provider‘ — and that’s official according to Ofsted. We also support many Government-funded childcare schemes, thereby being able to supply free childcare hours for eligible local families.

Contact Little Acorns Nursery today and we’ll be delighted to explore with you the opportunity for your child to attend the nursery:

As a nursery/preschool located in Hindley Green, Wigan, WN2, we may also suit families looking for childcare services conveniently close to Bickershaw, Leigh, Atherton, Westhoughton, Ince-in-Makerfield, Platt Bridge, Tyldesley, and Bolton.


Tips for a Smooth Transition to Reception Class

Tips for a Smooth Transition to Reception Class

A smooth transition from nursery/preschool to primary school requires careful planning, practical strategies and emotional support.The transition from preschool to Reception marks a significant milestone in any child’s life. It can be emotional for parents and, for children, it can be a period filled with excitement, curiosity, and perhaps a bit of apprehension. Ensuring a smooth transition involves a combination of careful planning, practical strategies and emotional support. With that in mind, today’s guide outlines more than twenty simple, actionable ways to ensure your child has a seamless transition and a positive start to school life.

Emotional Support Strategies

Talk About Feelings

Discuss emotions related to starting school. Encourage questions, answer honestly, and address any concerns your child may have. Doing so will reassure your child and create a more positive perception of the upcoming experience.

Positive Reinforcement

Use positive reinforcement to create a positive association with the idea of school.Use positive reinforcement to create a positive association with the idea of school. For example, highlight the exciting aspects of learning, making friends, playing new games, and discovering new things.

Celebrate Small Achievements

Acknowledge and celebrate small achievements. Whether it’s successfully completing a puzzle or putting on shoes independently, recognising these accomplishments builds a positive mindset and boosts children’s confidence.

Visit the School Together

Arrange visits to the school — take a guided tour together and explore the classrooms and play areas. This will make the environment less intimidating and more welcoming and familiar when the time comes.

Building Skills

Build Social Skills & Make Play Dates

Organise play dates with future classmates to build social connections before the first day.Organise play dates with future classmates to build social connections before the first day. Encourage interactions with other children to develop essential social skills. Attending a nursery, preschool, or playgroup will provide excellent opportunities for this.

Practise Listening Skills

Engage in activities that enhance your child’s listening and attention skills. These will be essential once they begin at school.

Promote Independence & Responsibility

Promoting independence in your child will help them adjust once they start school.Foster self-reliance by allowing your child to perform simple tasks like dressing themselves, tidying up, using the toilet, and organising themselves. Also, assign small responsibilities to them at home to instil a sense of accountability and responsibility. Such skills will serve them well once at school.

Encourage Decision-Making

Provide simple choices to empower your child and foster decision-making skills. You can perhaps teach them how to weigh up the pros and cons of each choice they face, so they get a feel for how best to approach a final decision.

Read Together

Instil a love for reading in your child through interactive reading sessions. This will pay dividends.Read age-appropriate books together, particularly those that introduce topics they’ll be introduced to in Reception class. This not only sparks excitement and teaches them new things but also helps children understand what to expect. Instil a love for reading through interactive reading sessions. Visit the library too and explore a variety of books.

Educational Games

Incorporate fun and interactive learning activities into daily routines. Simple mathematics games, storytelling, and creative arts and crafts can enhance cognitive skills and nurture a love for learning.

Fine Motor Skill Development

Strengthen fine motor skills through activities like drawing, cutting, and building with blocks. These activities not only aid in academic readiness but also contribute to overall coordination.

Nearer the Time

Introduce the Concept of Time

A consistent daily schedule that mirrors that of the school will help children become familiar with the structure of the day and adjust more easily.Ensure that your child understands basic time concepts, such as morning, afternoon, and evening. This, in tandem with our next tip below, will help your child better understand the structure of the school day.

Establish a Consistent Routine

In the run-up to leaving nursery/preschool to begin at school, introduce a consistent daily schedule that mirrors the school routine. This will help your child become familiar with the structure of the day and help them to adjust more naturally.

Create a Homework Station

Designate a comfortable and quiet area at home where your child can engage in reading and other learning activities. This can later transition to become a natural place for school homework and be a tool to promote a positive attitude towards learning.

Introduce Uniforms

If applicable, gradually introduce your child to the concept of wearing a school uniform and get them used the the process of getting dressed.

Teach Basic Self-Care

Familiar faces at the start of Reception will help children settle in.Ensure your child can manage basic self-care tasks independently. Such skills will be invaluable to them once they have started school.

Practise Sharing

Emphasise the importance of sharing and taking turns through play. This is not only good manners but will also help them make and keep friends.

Encourage Expressing Needs

Teach your child to communicate their needs effectively. Good communication is an essential tool for any child. Explaining their needs to teachers and peers will ultimately result in happier outcomes and contribute to children’s well-being.

Establish a Bedtime Routine

Give children lots of reassurance when they begin at Primary School.Ensure sufficient sleep by establishing a calming bedtime routine. This not only gets them used to a pattern but will also help them to maintain focus and energy levels once at school.

Create a Visual Schedule

Use visual aids to help your child understand and anticipate daily activities. This could be a simple colour-coded timetable, or a series of drawings depicting activities they will be undertaking during their school day.

Create a Consistent Drop-off Ritual

Develop a consistent and reassuring routine for dropping off and picking up. This will foster a sense of security for the child and be key to minimising any separation anxiety that may otherwise occur.

Reception & Compulsory School Age

Reception is the first year of primary school in England, coming after nursery but before Year One. Children joining Reception class usually begin there in the September after their 4th birthday. Compulsory School Age, however, begins later — at the end the December, March or August that follows their 5th birthday (whichever is soonest).

By incorporating strategies into your family's daily routine, you can help to ensure the most successful start to their school journey.The journey from preschool to the first day of school is a significant milestone for both parent and child. Preparing children for school involves a holistic approach that addresses emotional, social, and practical aspects. By incorporating these strategies into your family’s daily routine, you can contribute to a positive and confident transition for your child and set the stage for the most successful start to their school journey.

School-Readiness at Little Acorns Nursery, Hindley Green

Little Acorns Nursery & Preschool in Hindley Green, near Wigan, Bolton & ManchesterLittle Acorns Nursery in Hindley Green is rated as a good childcare provider by Ofsted.Here at Little Acorns in Hindley Green, we also follow comprehensive strategies to build children’s skills, knowledge, independence and confidence in the run-up to beginning primary school. Indeed, we ensure they have hit personal bests in every area and are school-ready by the time they leave us for Reception. It’s magical to see how each and every child grows, in so many ways, during our time with them. It’s always sad to see them go when they leave to begin school but, when that time comes, we wish them every success in the knowledge that they leave superbly well-equipped for their journey.

A High-Quality Childcare Nursery for Your Child in Hindley Green

Are you looking for a really good childcare nursery in Hindley Green, near Wigan? Please get in touch with us at Little Acorns Nursery if so. We offer a superb childcare service and early years education to babies, toddlers and preschoolers aged under five. We support many Government-funded ‘free childcare’ schemes too, meaning childcare will be more affordable for eligible families.

Little Acorns is also near Bickershaw, Leigh, Atherton, Westhoughton, Ince-in-Makerfield, Platt Bridge, Tyldesley, Bolton and Greater Manchester, so may additionally suit families in those areas.

Ofsted Report: Little Acorns Nursery is a Good Childcare Provider

Ofsted Report: Little Acorns Nursery is a Good Childcare Provider
Little Acorns Nursery passed its first Ofsted Inspection with flying colours, following the inspection in April 2023.We’re delighted to announce that Little Acorns Nursery, Hindley Green, has passed its first Ofsted Inspection — and with flying colours! The Ofsted Report was published recently following the Ofsted inspection in late April this year. It is our first since we took over the nursery from Kate’s Kindergarten in 2022. So, it’s now official — Little Acorns Nursery is a ‘Good Provider’ of childcare and early-years education. Let’s take a look at the Inspector’s findings and some of her lovely comments. We’ll see why the nursery/preschool achieved such consistent, positive feedback and good ratings in every area. Doing so is incredibly important to the children under our care and, of course, to their parents and caregivers.

Great Ofsted Report Ratings for Little Acorns Nursery

Little Acorns Nursery was judged by Ofsted to be ‘Good’ in every category:

Little Acorns Nursery was judged by Ofsted to be ‘Good’ in every category.Overall effectiveness — Good
The quality of education — Good
Behaviour and attitudes — Good
Personal development — Good
Leadership and management — Good

We’ll cover some more detail and commentary from the Ofsted Inspector below.

Glowing Feedback About What it’s Like Attending the Nursery

We're way more than just a crèche, playgroup or a group of nannies or childminders.Opening comments in the Ofsted Report are particularly positive. Not only are the findings welcomed by nursery staff, who work so hard and so professionally — as evidenced in the report — but they’ll also be welcomed by parents/caregivers of children attending the setting. After all, it’s good to know children are in good hands and that their choice of childcare provider was a good one.

Our High-Quality Staff Positively Impact Children

Here are a few of the comments from the Ofsted Inspector, describing how professional staff are and what it’s like for children who attend the nursery:

“The stable and highly skilled staff team promotes children’s care and learning effectively. Many long-standing relationships help staff to know the needs of the children and their families very well.”

It’s good to note the words, “stable” and “highly skilled” in reference to the staff. Our staff are exactly that and it’s good to see those qualities recognised. More importantly, though, such qualities clearly benefit the children, their parents, and families as a whole.

The Ofsted Report then goes on to describe how, “Staff’s gentle, nurturing approaches” help children to “settle and fully engage in what the nursery has to offer.” That, too, is incredibly important.

“Children arrive confidently and they are ready to play and learn.”

The confidence and enthusiasm to learn extends to babies and toddlers too and Ofsted’s comments make the reason for this clear:

“Babies and toddlers explore with intrigue. They are inspired by items which stimulate their senses and are provided in response to things which specifically interest them. Staff build on children’s interests well to provide meaningful activities which enable them to practise their skills and extend learning further.”

Children are happy at Little Acorns Nursery, Hindley Green.As you can see from the comment above, staff are methodical and strategic in their approach to activities organised for the children. Activities are tailored to each child’s individual interests, making playing, development of skills and learning of new knowledge all come naturally.

Happy Children

The Ofsted inspector recognised that children are happy at the nursery. The nurturing of good social, communication and language skills clearly leads to deep friendships being formed and enjoyable play taking place.

“Children develop firm friendships. They collaborate and have fun together as they play.”

Good Progress for Children with SEND

Ofsted recognised the expertise of our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (‘SENCo’) and provisions for children with special educational needs and disabilities (‘SEND’) in their report:

“The special educational needs coordinator (SENCo) successfully uses her comprehensive knowledge of local arrangements for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). She links closely with other supporting professionals, accurately assesses need and identifies precise targets for learning. Through strong relationships with staff, children with SEND progress well”

Good Relationships with Parents

Ofsted recognised that staff have good relationships with children’s parents/caregivers and remarked, in their report, on the cooperation between them:

“Staff work closely with parents right from the start to assess and plan how to meet children’s individual needs.”

Ofsted said that this works particularly well when children have health or medical needs, commenting “Leaders use what parents know to establish specific care plans, training for staff and detailed risk assessments.”

Parents are also encouraged to come “into the nursery to experience the curriculum in action.”

“Parents speak highly of the staff at the nursery and develop high levels of trust.”

Effective Safeguarding Arrangements

Comments in the Ofsted report about safeguarding were particularly positive and confirmed that measures at the setting are effective ones.

“Leaders have ensured that staff are well trained and knowledgeable about matters relating to child protection. They have provided clear procedures for staff to report any concerns that they may have about children’s welfare.”

They went on to confirm that, “Leaders and staff use their strong relationships with parents and other professionals to help ensure that the children and families who need it, get the right support.”

Staff Plan Well for the Future

Staff are methodical and strategic in their approach and activities are tailored to each child's individual interests.Ofsted also recognised that leaders and staff plan improvements for the future. In their report, they describe how leaders “plan how they can make the quality of education even better […] working closely with staff to design building improvements that will have the most benefit for the children”.

They also ensure that they too are learning and improving all the time:

“The high priority given to continuing professional development has resulted in a team of many skilled and experienced staff. This has a positive impact on the quality of education for all children, including those who are disadvantaged.”

Full Marks for School Readiness

One of the key goals of any good nursery, preschool or childcare provider is to ensure that every child is prepared, equipped and ready to begin school by the time they leave the early years setting. Little Acorns Nursery’s approach to the curriculum, activities and tailored learning and development plans, ensure this outcome. Ofsted’s comments, in their latest report for Little Acorns Nursery, totally back this up:

“The carefully thought out curriculum helps children to gain the kinds of knowledge and skills they need in readiness for their future move to school.”

A Place for Your Child at our Hindley Green Nursery, near Wigan

Little Acorns Nursery & Pre-School in Hindley Green, near Wigan, Bolton & ManchesterLittle Acorns Nursery in Hindley Green is rated as a good childcare provider by Ofsted.If you have a young family that needs high-quality childcare in Hindley Green or close to Wigan and Greater Manchester, we’d love to hear from you. As you can see from the latest Ofsted Report, we offer a wonderful weekday childcare service for babies and children aged up to five. Come and take a look by arranging a free tour of the setting. We’ll show you around and answer any questions that you may have. Be sure to bring along your child and you’ll be able to see how well they fit in!

Little Acorns Nursery offers a great start for little ones and also supports free childcare through Government childcare funding schemes for those who are eligible. Please choose an option below to get started:

Little Acorns is now officially a good nursery & preschool in Hindley Green. We’re located near Wigan, Bickershaw, Leigh, Atherton, Westhoughton, Ince-in-Makerfield, Platt Bridge, Tyldesley, Bolton and Greater Manchester.

20 Ways to Prepare Under-5s for Nursery or Pre-School

20 Ways to Prepare Under-5s for Nursery or Pre-School

The transition to nursery school will be smoother for children if parents prepare them well.Starting nursery or pre-school is a real milestone for children and parents alike. As well as being exciting, though, transitioning to nursery or pre-school can be daunting for the little ones. The researching of childcare settings, checking Ofsted reports and appraising recommendations from friends is all very well, but that’s only the first step. The transition will be smoother for the children themselves if a few golden rules are followed. That’s precisely where today’s guide comes in, with our 20 Ways to Prepare Under-5s for Nursery. Take a look.

20 Ways to Prepare Under-5s for Nursery or Pre-School.

1. Plan Well Ahead

One of the greatest tips is to plan well ahead. By planning ahead you can iron out many, if not all, of the things that may otherwise cause your child — or yourself — anxiety. Indeed, most of the tips that follow this one involve aspects of this pre-planning approach.

2. Arrange a Visit

Arrange a visit of your chosen nursery with your child.Arrange a visit of your chosen or short-listed nurseries/pre-schools. Good settings (like Little Acorns Nursery) will be happy to give you and your child a guided tour. It’s best to go during an actual session, so that you can both see the setting in action on a standard day. Bear in mind that it can also be a chance for your child to become more familiar with the setting. If they later go on to start at the nursery, they will then already be aware of what the rooms look like, where the toilets are, who their carers are, and so on. Show them the play areas inside and out and let them see the other children having fun.

3. Stay for Lunch

When you visit, find out — and show your child — where they will eat lunch. Some nurseries allow prospective new children to stay over lunchtime and have lunch with their future classmates. It will be a good introduction to other children but also, for the parent, it is handy to know what sort of items other parents include in their children’s packed lunch or snack box. Or, if all meals and snacks are provided by the setting (they are at Little Acorns), ask for the weekly menu so you can explain to your child about the different types of meals they may receive.

4. Preparations Around Food & Eating

There are several things you can do around preparing your child for eating at nursery/pre-school.There are several things you can also do around preparing your child for eating at nursery/pre-school. For starters, get your little one used to eating in a group of other children — perhaps with friends or related children at first. Also practise cutlery skills with your child, so they’re more able to eat independently when they start.

If your child is having a packed lunch, they can give lots of valuable input into this and will then be more ‘at home’ with the foods on the actual day — because they partly chose it.

If the nursery supplies all meals, they may be able to provide you with either the menu plan or typical sample menus. Maybe practise some of the meals at home and then your child will be more familiar with the foods.

Make sure you have told the nursery setting about any food allergies or special dietary requirements that your child may have. That’s incredibly important.

Find out the setting’s policy for refrigerated food should you have to supply an item yourself, that needs refrigeration. That’s particularly important if supplying your own food/snacks/drink for children that require a special diet.

5. Settling In Sessions

Taking all of the above a stage further, some settings allow prospective new children to come for settling-in sessions, perhaps long before they officially start at the setting. They’ll get to know the staff, facilities and other children even better this way. They’ll also become accustomed to daily life at the setting and what to expect once they start.

6. Make Some Early Friends & Encourage Socialisation

Seeing a friend on the first day of nursery will really help children settle in.Pre-joining visits and settling-in sessions are a great way for children to make friends at the setting, but parents can also orchestrate this outside of the nursery or pre-school. For example, by finding out which friends and neighbours send their children to the setting, they can then suggest some play dates with those children. Little ones will then see one or more friendly little faces welcoming them, right from the outset, once they start at the setting. It’s a good opportunity for children to learn the art of socialising. It’s also good for parents to network in this way, so they can compare notes and perhaps pool information they might otherwise have missed.

7. Ask Questions

Whether on visits, on the phone or via enquiry forms on nursery websites, it’s always a good idea for parents to ask staff questions that they may have. At Little Acorns Nursery in Hindley Green, for example, we’re always happy to answer questions, whether it’s about daily life, the curriculum, childcare funding, special diets or just about anything else. We’re here to help!

8. Talk With Your Child

Talk to your child about nursery, well ahead of them actually starting there. Discuss a visit you’ve made to the setting and ask your child if they have any questions, or concerns, and then address those. As the time to start gets closer, keep talking about nursery in the lead-up to it. This will get the little one used to the idea of being away from Mum or Dad and their home. Perhaps you have some photographs, a prospectus or even the setting’s website, which shows children at the nursery. Show your child these. Talk about what the children in the photos are doing, playing with or learning from. Make it all sound fun and exciting — because it really is!

Oh … and remember to talk with your child once they’ve started at the nursery. Ask them about their day and be sure to address any concerns they may have. Praise all their achievements too, no matter how small.

9. Toilet Training

Being potty trained as soon as possible will stand children in better stead once they start at nursery/pre-school.Whether your child is potty/toilet trained or still in nappies, teach them to help themselves in this type of area. If they are not yet toilet trained and are ready for it, begin to teach them. It’ll stand them in better stead once they start at nursery/pre-school. If they are newly toilet trained, though, reinforce that accidents do happen and that the childcare staff are used to it and will help change them if so.

If they’re not yet ready for potty or toilet training and are still in nappies, get them to practise pulling up underwear garments, clothing etc.

10. Nurture Personal Hygiene

Ensure children know how and when to wash their hands. Explain the importance of handwashing and hygiene to them. This is important both from a social and health standpoint.

11. Nurture Independence

Leaning to be independent will help children thrive more easily.A little independence will go a long way for them once children start at nursery or pre-school. Personal hygiene and toilet training is just one of many things they can help themselves with if they’re shown how.

Get them used to doing the things they can do for themselves, like putting on and taking off coats and jumpers. Can your child take their socks and shoes off and put them back on again? This is handy for soft play or for spillages when socks or shoes are wet.

12. Prepare Clothing

Nearer the start date, plan outfits with your child, particularly for their first day and week. Perhaps your child has a favourite t-shirt or dress and wearing those on their first day may help them to be more confident in themselves. However, it’s important for your child to feel comfortable in their outfit too, so ensure outfits suit whatever is scheduled for the day at the nursery/pre-school — there may well be a variety of different activities lined up. Older children may indeed play outdoors as well as inside, so bear that in mind. They may need coats and even Wellington boots for outdoor play or external visits. They may need aprons for messy play. All such things need to be checked with the early years provider, well ahead. Also find out your childcare provider’s policy in regard to spare clothing should it be needed. Also, don’t forget to label your child’s clothing etc. with their name.

13. Introduce Educational Activities at Home

Introduce educational activities to children at home.Childcare providers are more than just babysitters or a crèche. Settings like Little Acorn Nursery and many others offer a full early years education too. It’s very high quality, covering pretty much every aspect of early years learning and development and the all-important EYFS curriculum. It would be a great idea, then, for parents to get little ones used to some of the many learning, play and discovery activities associated with the EYFS while at home — before they start at their early years setting. Even just an introduction to the many different activities that they’ll encounter will help them once they start. In effect, they’ll have a little head-start and will find tasks easier. So, encourage practising at home. Introduce nursery rhymes, puzzles, building blocks, colouring and painting. Read them stories so they practise listening, concentrating and sitting still. Explain why we use an apron during messy or wet play. Introduce letter and number concepts if they’re advanced enough — and so on.

14. Embed the Routine

An appropriate bedtime routine is important, so your child is energised and not tired once they begin nursery.In the month or weeks leading up to your child’s start date, it’s a great idea to try to mimic the timings at the nursery, so that the routine is pre-embedded. So, try to get them used to getting up and getting dressed etc. at the same time as the nursery and they can even have a restful nap at the same time as nap sessions at the setting. An appropriate bedtime routine is also important, so that your child is energised and not tired once they begin at the nursery.

15. Confirm Any Medical Issues

Have you advised the nursery about any medial issues, food allergies or disabilities that your child has? It’s important that they know.

16. Know Your Nursery Contacts

Have you the correct contact telephone numbers handy for the nursery? You need to know them (and they yours) and it’s best to add them to your mobile contacts list before your child starts. Ensure your mobile has sufficient battery each day in case you are held up or in case the nursery needs to contact you for any reason.

17. Drop-Off & Pick-Up

Ensure that you are familiar with the pick-up and drop-off times.Ensure that you are familiar with the pick-up and drop-off times as well as the nursery’s security arrangements should someone else be picking your child up instead of you.

18. Test the Route

Plan your journey before your child’s start date. It’s best to do this at the same time you’ll eventually be dropping off/picking up so that you know the correct timings. You don’t want to be late, especially on their first day, as that would simply cause stress for both you and your little one. Find out if there is there parking on site too.

19. Get Everything Packed The Night Before

You don’t want the first day to be stressful, so you and your child need to be ready to leave home in good time. Another way to ensure this is to pack their things the night before. As well as any spare clothing, perhaps include their favourite small cuddly toy or comforter in case they need it during their first day.

20. On the First Day, Be Calm

When the first day of nursery arrives, don't let on if you're anxious or sad otherwise your child may pick up on it and become upset.When the big day arrives for your child, don’t let on if you’re anxious or sad otherwise your child may pick up on it and become upset. So, keep it casual and don’t make a fuss when you drop them off for the first time. Staff and any friends they’ve previously made as part of your planning above are sure to welcome them. Chances are, they’ll run off into the nursery with a friend and have great fun right away anyway!

All in all, planning ahead with all these things will help to make this a fun, positive experience for both you and your little one. Chances are, your child will have an amazing first day at nursery!

A Warm Welcome at Little Acorns Nursery, Hindley Green

Little Acorns Nursery & Pre-School in Hindley Green, near Wigan, Bolton & Manchester

If you’re child is joining Little Acorns Nursery, our friendly, caring staff will be on hand to give your child a warm welcome and make them feel at home right away. If you have any doubts or concerns, we’re here at the end of a phone line, so you can always contact us with any queries or to check how they’re getting on. Little Acorns is a wonderful nursery & pre-school in Hindley Green and really will give your little one the very best start.  We’re also located near to Wigan, Bickershaw, Leigh, Atherton, Westhoughton, Ince-in-Makerfield, Platt Bridge, Tyldesley, Bolton and Greater Manchester.

If you’re considering sending your child to Little Acorns Nursery, let us show you and your child around, so that you can see the nursery in action and witness, first hand, how happy and well cared-for children and babies are here. Please arrange a guided tour or register for a place below. We are also happy to answer any questions including those relating to the many childcare funding options that we support at the setting.

Hygge at Little Acorns Nursery, Hindley Green

Today we explain why Hygge is a very good thing for both children and staff at early years childcare settings.At Little Acorns Nursery in Hindley Green, we’re embracing Hygge (pronounced “Hue-gah”), which is becoming very popular around the globe. But what is Hygge and why are we embracing it? This article explains everything and you’ll soon see why Hygge is a very good thing for everyone at the nursery, including both children and staff. Take a look …

What is Hygge?

The word Hygge is a Danish word, although is also used in the Norwegian language to refer to the same thing. It describes a feeling, mood and lifestyle of cosiness, wellbeing and contentment. It’s also about a lifestyle that’s more simple, where you live more in the moment and are closer to nature. Hygge has been described as “the pursuit of everyday happiness … basically like a hug, just without the physical touch.”Hygge has been described as resulting in “comfortable conviviality” i.e. friendliness and warmth that makes everyone feel welcome and happy. It’s also been described as “the pursuit of everyday happiness … basically like a hug, just without the physical touch.”

What Does a Hygge Lifestyle Look Like?

To understand Hygge more, it may help to know what it looks like. So, with a Hygge lifestyle, you would expect to see a particularly warm and cosy kind of environment. Rooms that embrace Hygge have a lovely homely feel about them with blankets, cushions, rugs and soft furnishings that make the atmosphere warm and reduce noise and echoes. There will be cosy corners, dens and even teepees where people can ‘nest’ while they read, play or converse.There will be twinkly ‘mood’ lighting instead of harsh fluorescent lighting. Rooms will have real plants that bring nature indoors, natural materials and objects like wood, wicker, pine cones and pebbles. There will be calming music and perhaps even scent in the air. There will be cosy corners, dens and even teepees where children can ‘nest’ while they read, play or converse. Hygge gives a room a lovely atmosphere, often with flickering candles (or, at the nursery, the warm-coloured LED equivalents, for safety purposes).

What Does Hygge Feel Like?

The Hygge lifestyle is a very pleasant, comfy and pleasurable one. It’s as much about warmth, cosiness and friendliness as it is about harmony, togetherness, sharing, equality and mutual respect. As such, it minimises conflict and leads to calmness and harmonious play. It’s also about living in the moment (‘presence’) with aspects of mindfulness. Hygge also encourages individuals to reflect on things they can be grateful for. All in all it’s a very pleasurable atmosphere and approach to daily life.

Why Embrace Hygge at Our Early Years Childcare Setting?

Embracing Hygge will make children feel really at home, safe, relaxed, cosy and content.Embracing all these aspects of Hygge will make children feel really at home, safe, relaxed, cosy and content. Their day will feel fulfilling and enriched. It will be calm and peaceful whilst also embracing nature both outside and indoors. Friendships will deepen as small groups of children play, converse, read or simply ‘be’ in the many cosy nooks and dens available to them. They are also free to have some solo time where they can explore a particular interest, relax with a book or engage in an activity in a calm and comfortable corner. Whatever they’re doing, children will enjoy and benefit from the mood lighting, calming surroundings, relaxing music and suchlike.

Hygge instinctively appeals to a child’s very heart and soul.

All in all, Hygge is a far cry from the traditional bright and often sterile surroundings that so many youngsters have to tolerate in early years settings. In contrast to those, Natural materials, atmospheric lighting and nature are all part of the Hygge lifestyle.Hygge is like a warm cloak that softly embraces every child, allowing him or her to quietly blossom, learn and develop in the most homely and relaxed of atmospheres. With Hygge, they can embrace and naturally absorb everything that’s so good about the Hygge lifestyle, including it’s almost magical effects that will bring out the wonder in every child. Hygge instinctively appeals to a child’s very heart and soul, allowing their learning and development to blossom and thrive in the most natural of ways.

Hygge Accreditation at Little Acorns Nursery

Little Acorns is thoroughly embracing the Hygge lifestyle and approach to early years learning and development. As part of this, we will work towards official Hygge in Early Years accreditation over the course of 2022. We believe it will empower and enrich the lives of every child in deep-seated, profound ways.

Little Acorns Nursery & Pre-School in Hindley Green, near Wigan, Bolton & Manchester

Little Acorns Nursery, Hindley Green, WiganLittle Acorns nursery & pre-school in Hindley Green Hygge is a little magical and brings out the wonder in every babies, toddlers and preschoolers the very best start in life and in their early years education. If you are looking for the best childcare service in Hindley Green, Wigan or near Bickershaw, Leigh, Atherton, Westhoughton, Ince-in-Makerfield, Platt Bridge, Tyldesley, Bolton or Greater Manchester, please get in touch. We can arrange a guided visit for you and your little one, without obligation. Alternatively, simply fill in and submit an application for a nursery/pre-school place for your child — click the relevant button below to get started.  We’re also happy to answer any questions that you may have and to clarify any free childcare options that may be available to eligible families via Government-funded childcare schemes.