Tag Archive for: babies

Free Childcare in Hindley Green — for Eligible Children Aged 9 Months to 4 Years

Free Childcare in Hindley Green — for Children 9 Months to 4 Years

Eligible working families can access substantial free childcare in Hindley Green and elsewhere — and the funding scheme is supported by Little Acorns Nursery. Since September 2024, free “childcare hours” have been available for eligible babies aged from just 9 months as well as for eligible toddlers and preschoolers aged up to Compulsory School Age. What’s more, the number of free hours is set to increase next year (2025) for the youngest children. In today’s post, we’ll explain more about who is eligible — and it’s a lot of families — how many free childcare hours they can access, and how the funding will increase from September next year. With Little Acorns Nursery supporting the schemes, this is great news for families of under-fives living in and around Hindley Green and Wigan, Greater Manchester.

Why the Increase in Free Childcare?

The new childcare allocation stems from then Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt’s ‘Spring Budget’ back in March 2023. There, he announced the plans for the new childcare provision, the first major stage of which started rolling out recently, in September 2024. It now allows many more families to enrol children in early years education at a younger age, which is proven to benefit them significantly. In tandem, it helps parents, especially mums, get back into the workplace to continue careers and increase household income. The childcare funding scheme is therefore designed to help children, their families, and the economy. The free provision is set to expand still further in September 2025. We explain more below.

570 Free Childcare Hours for Eligible Babies 9 Months +

570 free childcare hours are available for eligible babies and toddlers aged 9 Months+Since September 2024, the number of free childcare hours available for eligible children aged 9 months to 2 years (inclusive) is 570 per year. This is usually taken as 15 hours per week over 38 term-time weeks of the year*. In further good news, the allocation is set to double to 1140 hours per year from September 2025, thereby aligning with what eligible 3 and 4-year-olds are already entitled to (see below).

1140 Free Childcare Hours for Eligible Children Aged 3 & 4

1140 free childcare hours are available for eligible children aged 3 & 4.Meanwhile, a total of 1140 hours of free childcare is currently available for eligible children aged 3 and 4 each year. This is usually taken as 30 hours per week over 38 term-time weeks of the year*.

* Some childcare providers may be able to allocate the total hours over a different number of weeks. For example, fewer hours per week over more weeks of the year. Ask your chosen childcare provider if they offer the flexibility to ‘stretch’ hours in this way.

Eligibility for the Scheme

The bar to entry for this particular childcare funding scheme is actually low, so many working families are eligible. We outline the core eligibility requirements below:

  • It’s for children aged from 9 months up to Compulsory School Age, which children reach in the term following their 5th birthday.
  • The free childcare funding is for working families.
  • Each of the child’s parents (or a parent and partner if applicable) should not earn() more than £100k in the current tax year.
  • At the lower end of the earnings scale, they must earn the equivalent of at least 16 hours each week, over the next 3 months, paid at the National Minimum Wage or National Living Wage() or above.
  • They must have a valid National Insurance (NI) number for use during their funding application.

Additional caveats around eligibility apply in certain circumstances, for example, for foster carers, those starting new jobs, people who are self-employed or have incomes that are irregular, and a few other circumstances. More details about eligibility are available here.

Get Started on Your Childcare Funding Application

To get started, first check your eligibility and then, if eligible, apply for the childcare funding here. Applications can be made once your child reaches the age of 23 weeks (a little over 5 months) and eligibility will need to be reconfirmed every 3 months. Successful applicants will receive a code, which they’ll need to give to their chosen childcare provider.

Not Eligible?

Even 3 and 4-year-olds not eligible under the working families provision above can access a substantial number of free childcare hours. What’s known as ‘Universal Entitlement’ already entitles all children aged 3 and 4 living in England to 570 annual childcare hours.

Some 2 and 3-year-olds are also eligible for 570 annual childcare hours but under a different, more stringent scheme. It’s available if parents receive certain qualifying benefits, or when children fall into specific additional needs categories, e.g. are looked after by a local authority or are subject to an ECH plan. More details for a range of funded childcare schemes can be found here.

Free Childcare in Hindley Green, Wigan, & Greater Manchester

Consider a Nursery Place for Your Baby, Toddler or Child Under Five at Little Acorns

Little Acorns Nursery & Pre-School in Hindley Green, near Wigan, Bolton & ManchesterLittle Acorns Nursery in Hindley Green is rated as a good childcare provider by Ofsted.Whether your child is funded by family or via one of the government-funded childcare schemes, Little Acorns Nursery in Hindley Green is a great place for babies and children aged up to 5. As well as supporting many of the available funded childcare schemes, the nursery is well-thought-of by Ofsted and gives every child a wonderful start to their early years. They’ll feel loved, valued, and nurtured at Little Acorns Nursery and we’ll bring out the very best in every child. It’s all part of our goals of helping them become the very best version of themselves and preparing them for starting school as they approach school age.

If you would like to enrol your child or bring them along for a tour of Little Acorns Nursery in Hindley Green, please choose an appropriate button below. We’re also happy to answer any questions that you might have:

Little Acorns is a high-quality nursery and preschool in Hindley Green, Wigan, also being convenient for families nearby in Bickershaw, Leigh, Atherton, Westhoughton, Ince-in-Makerfield, Platt Bridge, Tyldesley, Bolton and Greater Manchester.

How to Help Children Settle Into Nursery: a Guide for Parents

How to Help Children Settle Into Nursery: a Guide for Parents

When your baby, toddler or under-five child first starts at nursery, it can be a time of apprehension for both parent and little one. It’s such a huge milestone when they first spend time away from home; they’re incredibly young and, until then, have usually spent most of their time around close family at home. When they first start at nursery, it’s a new, often unfamiliar setting for them and many questions may trouble the mind of any parent or carer at this time. Are they going to like it? How will they fit in? Will they make friends? What are the nursery staff like? Will they eat enough? Will they be warm enough? Will they cry when they’re left there? There are potentially so many questions and concerns! With that in mind, today’s post is all about how to help children under five settle into nursery. If you’re a parent or carer whose child is just starting at nursery, take a look.

Before Making Your Final Nursery Choice…

Visit each nursery on your final shortlist *with your child* to see if they suit each other.Draw up a short list of possible settings for your child, having first whittled down the choices by appraising reviews, Ofsted ratings, recommendations from other parents, and so on. Then comes a crucial step — visit each nursery on your final shortlist with your child to see if they are a good fit. Requesting a full tour is highly recommended and, indeed, good nurseries like Little Acorns in Hindley Green encourage parents/carers to bring their child along on such early visits. By so doing, we can welcome both prospective parents and their children to the nursery and give them a free guided tour. Both parent and child can then get a real feel for the setting, its staff, atmosphere, rooms, play equipment, outdoor areas, facilities and more. It’s by far the best way to see how well your child may fit in — before committing.

Make Early Friends & Arrange Play Dates

Knowing a friend at the nursery right from the start is a great way of settling children in.If your child already has a friend or neighbour of a similar age who will also attend your chosen nursery, it can be very useful. Both children will then have a friendly face to play with from Day 1. If not, it should be easy enough to ask around to find out about other local children who will start at the nursery when your child does. Arranging play dates for them in the weeks running up to the start date will help each child familiarise themselves with one another, so they each have a friend or two at the nursery right from the start. It’s a great way of settling them in.

Settling-in Sessions to Familiarise Your Child With the Nursery

Even better are settling-in sessions and any good nursery should offer these (Little Acorns does — see below). Once you have chosen a nursery and a place has been confirmed for your child, settling-in sessions are a really beneficial step for your child. By spending time at the nursery on a normal day, before they officially start, they will be able to familiarise themselves with the new setting, other children attending, part of the setting’s daily routine, toys and facilities, and staff who will look after them. Settling-in sessions are a great way to introduce all these new things to children so they don’t feel so ‘new’ and unfamiliar once they fully start at the setting.

Settling-in Sessions at Little Acorns Nursery, Hindley Green, Wigan

Settling-in sessions, where parents initially accompany little ones, are a great way for children to feel more at home and reassured.Aside from the initial guided tours undertaken, we schedule 2 formal settling-in visits for children once a place has been offered. These hour-long settling-in sessions usually occur in the week before children are due to start at the nursery formally. They are both free of charge. Here’s how they are approached:

  • During the first visit, a parent stays with their child for the full hour. This allows the child to explore the environment and make their acquaintance with new and any existing friends. It also gives the attending parent an opportunity to fill in any relevant documents and get to know the staff who will be looking after their child.
  • During the second visit, parents leave their child for an hour and we can then all see how they manage, away from their parents, with the staff members. If everything goes well, children will be fine to continue with their intended start date. However, if children struggle during the hour-long settling-in sessions we can extend them and, if necessary, move back the start date until they’re ready.

Such an approach is a great way for children to feel more at home, right from the moment they start nursery.

Get to Know the Nursery Staff & Build a Rapport

It will help your child settle in if you get to know nursery staff and proactively build a rapport with them. By doing so, you’ll be able to have good two-way feedback. You’ll get to know more about your child’s day and how they’re settling in and nursery practitioners will be able to glean valuable information that only a parent would know about a child, for example, likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses, and so on. Even a tiny detail of shared knowledge may make all the difference to your child’s happiness and well-being when they’re a new starter at a nursery.

Smartphone Apps Enable Regular Updates for Parents Virtually in Real Time

Many nurseries and childcare settings also have a smartphone app that is a perfect mechanism for two-way feedback between nursery staff and a child’s parent or carer. At Little Acorns Nursery in Hindley Green, for example, parents have access to a proprietary smartphone app called FAMLY (that’s FAMILY without an “i” by the way). Such an app is a perfect way for parents to communicate with staff and for nursery staff to send photos and any commentary or updates about children to their parents. By enabling everyone to keep in the loop virtually in real-time, children will benefit from the very best oversight to help them settle, know they’re safe, and feel well-cared for.

“I get photos and updates and this really helps settle my mind when I’m at work.” — Ashley G (Mother of Child) April 2024

Reassure & Communicate With Your Little One

Reassuring your child will also help them settle into nursery – so communication is key.Reassuring your child will also help them settle into nursery – so communication is key. This is true both before they start and once they attend, particularly at the beginning. Before starting, it’s important to ensure they know that changes will soon happen, what to expect when the time comes, and that it’s going to be a big adventure with lots of fun! Encourage questions and answer them sensitively. They also need to be reassured that you will always be there, behind the scenes, looking out for their best interests. And, of course, it’s crucial for them to know you’ll be there to pick them up at home time (don’t be late!).

Encourage Independence & Social Skills

Encouraging skills to help children become more independent will help them once they start at nursery.As we said previously in our 20 Ways to Prepare Under-5s for Nursery post, encouraging children to be as independent as possible will stand them in good stead once they begin at nursery. Not only is an element of independence a good skill for children to master, but it will also help them feel more self-confident around the nursery children and staff. A few examples include ensuring, where age-appropriate:

  • that they know how to put on or take off jackets, zip or button clothing, and fasten footwear;
  • that they know how to feed themselves and use eating utensils;
  • that they have good hygiene, e.g. know how and when to wash their hands;
  • that, ideally, they are potty trained. If they’re not yet ready for that, ensuring they at least know how to pull up undergarments/clothing is a good first step on the way to becoming more independent with toilet training;
  • that they have practised their social skills, so that they’re confident to engage with peers and childcare practitioners at the nursery.

Get Them Used to the Daily Routine

Once they start at nursery, it’s going to be tiring for them. With all the nursery activities, play, and extra focus that they’ll require, they’ll need to be on top form from the word go. That’s why it’ll benefit them to be used to the timings before they begin. With that in mind, it’s a good idea to match their bedtime and morning awakening in the preceding weeks to the same timings they’ll encounter once they’re attending nursery. By doing so, their body clocks will already be adjusted by the time they start and they should not get so tired.

Celebrate Successes

Encourage children by celebrating their successes at the nursery.Encourage children by celebrating their successes at the nursery. Whether it’s the successful completion of their first day, the first tear-free day, the making of a new friend or any other accomplishment, ensure you congratulate your child. This will give them a sense of achievement, reassure them that they’re doing well, and encourage them to keep attending and building on their progress.

Nursery Staff Will Nurture Children Too

Children will feel valued, loved, listened to, and well cared for at Little Acorns Nursery.With children sometimes taking as many as 2, 3, or even 4 weeks to fully settle into a new nursery, it’s also important for staff to closely monitor and nurture them. That’s indeed exactly what we do at Little Acorns Nursery in Hindley Green. We ensure the setting is a home-from-home environment for children as much as possible. Children will feel valued, loved, listened to, and well cared for at Little Acorns. We’ll reassure them when they need it, communicate well with parents/carers, discuss any challenges and work to address them speedily and in the most effective ways. We have children’s best interests at heart, so parents can rest assured that their little ones are kept safe, happy and well and, even if not immediately, they’ll grow to love being at the nursery. A couple of recent testimonials prove the point beautifully (hover over them to pause):

“My little girl started nursery here not long ago and I was worried that she wouldn’t settle very well … however I was so wrong, all of the staff at Little Acorns are amazing and have given me so much reassurance. All of the staff are so nurturing and supportive and they provide my daughter with so much care, attention and positivity. My daughter now cannot wait to get out of the car to get into nursery which speaks volumes. Within weeks of my daughter starting at Little Acorns she has come on so much, her speech is improving and she is learning new things every day, coming home and telling me what she has been up to at nursery. The nursery has a huge outdoor area which is perfect as my daughter loves the outdoors. I feel so lucky to have found a nursery with such a wonderful and happy environment for my daughter. My youngest daughter starts in a few weeks and I know she is going to be just fine here. Thank you … I will be forever grateful.”

“I cannot thank or recommend Little Acorns enough. I have been riddled with anxiety since having my little boy and was petrified for him to start nursery. The process of getting him started was so smooth and all the staff were extremely reassuring and helpful. They treat him like one of their own … [and] reassure not only myself but also my little boy. They learnt extremely quickly all about his likes and dislikes, they can calm him down very quickly due to their ability to prioritise person-centred care even when looking after multiple little ones which can’t be an easy task! I feel at ease when I drop my little boy off … despite the tears of mummy leaving … I know within a few minutes they will have calmed him down with his favourite toy and given him lots of cuddles and reassurance. I get photos and updates and this really helps settle my mind when I’m at work. His skills have come on so much since starting, I am forever grateful for the staff here!”

The point about the favourite toy in one of the testimonials is a good one. So, if your toddler has a favourite soft toy or comforter that might benefit them when they first start at nursery, ensure it’s brought to the nursery so they have access to it. It’s a great way of helping them feel more at home and to reassure them, particularly when they first join a new setting.

Little Acorns Nursery, Hindley Green, Wigan

A Place for Your Baby, Toddler or Child Under Five at Little Acorns Nursery

Little Acorns Nursery & Pre-School in Hindley Green, near Wigan, Bolton & ManchesterLittle Acorns Nursery in Hindley Green is rated as a good childcare provider by Ofsted.If you live in the Hindley Green area or near Wigan, consider a nursery place for your child at Little Acorns. Rest assured that we will nurture your child, make them feel at home, bring out the best in them and set them up to absolutely thrive. We’re rated officially as a good nursery by Ofsted and support many free childcare schemes, making it more affordable for eligible children. Click a button to get started on an application or guided visit for your child:

We are a nursery and preschool in Hindley Green, Wigan, and may also be suitable for those living in nearby places like Bickershaw, Leigh, Atherton, Westhoughton, Ince-in-Makerfield, Platt Bridge, Tyldesley, Bolton and the Greater Manchester region.

15 Reasons to Choose Little Acorns Nursery for Your Childcare

15 Reasons to Choose Little Acorns Nursery for Your Childcare

When choosing a nursery or preschool for your child, it’s very important to get it right. After all, when they’re under five, your child’s learning and development are at a critically important stage. You will want to ensure they’re safe, well cared for, and happy at your chosen nursery. You’ll also want to ensure they learn and grow optimally as individuals and are as school-ready as possible by the time they leave to start ‘big’ school. What’s more, you’ll want to hear what other parents and professionals think about the setting. With all that in mind, we’ve put together 15 reasons why choosing Little Acorns Nursery could be right for your child if they live in the Hindley Green area near Wigan. As you’ll see, many of the benefits of choosing Little Acorns for childcare are also backed up by independent opinions, for example, those of Ofsted inspectors and the parents of children who have attended.

1. Little Acorns is a Good Provider (Ofsted)

Little Acorns Nursery, Hindley Green, was judged to be a ‘Good’ by Ofsted in every category.We’re a good provider of early years education and childcare. You don’t need to take our word for it, though, because the Government body Ofsted independently rated the nursery as Good in every category in their most recent report. We were rated as ‘good’ across the board including in overall effectiveness, the quality of education, leadership and management, behaviour and attitudes, and personal development. It was indeed a full house of good scores, meaning that children are in safe and very capable hands that will bring out the best in every one of them.

2. Wonderful Customer Reviews & Ratings Online

Please rate Acorns Nursery, Hindley Green, on Google or Facebook.We’ve got lovely reviews and 5-star ratings online and, at the time of writing, have scored top marks across the board. The following is a typical review illustrating the type of lovely comments that parents have been publishing online about Little Acorns Nursery, Hindley Green:

“I wholeheartedly recommend this nursery. My little boy has loved his three years here, building loving and nurturing relationships with staff and the other children. He has learned so much and astounds us every day with the level of vocabulary and concepts he understands. Communication has been fantastic all through his time here. A truly family feel permeates the whole setting and I know I’m leaving my little one in good hands.”— Victoria M (via the Day Nurseries website, June 2024. Overall Experience: 5.0 out of 5).

Even the Ofsted inspector who last visited the nursery said:

“Parents speak highly of the staff at the nursery and develop high levels of trust.” — Ofsted report (April 2023).

3. Convenient Opening Hours for Working Parents

Little Acorns Nursery opens early and closes late on weekdays. This is great for local working parents as it allows them time to drop off and pick children up with minimal impact on their working hours. The nursery opens at 7:30 a.m. and closes at 6 p.m. from Monday to Friday inclusive. Those are longer working hours than many of our local competitors — we checked!

4. A Nursery Open All Year Round

Unlike some other nurseries and preschools, Little Acorns Nursery is open virtually all year round, only closing on Bank Holidays and for one week over Christmas. We’re therefore open over school summer holidays, for example, meaning working parents can carry on working without worrying about childcare during such school breaks.

5. Excellent Safeguarding

Little Acorns staff are fastidious about the welfare and safety of babies and children under our care.Little Acorns staff are fastidious about the welfare and safety of babies and children under their care. As even the Ofsted inspector reported in our last inspection, “Leaders have ensured that staff are well trained and knowledgeable about matters relating to child protection. They have provided clear procedures for staff to report any concerns that they may have about children’s welfare.” Your child is in safe hands at Little Acorns Nursery.

6. We Support Many Childcare Funding Schemes

Little Acorns Nursery supports a wide variety of free childcare initiatives that are available to eligible families through government funding. Whether it’s free childcare hours for 2-year-olds, 3- and 4-year-old preschoolers, or the imminent roll-out planned for eligible babies starting in September 2024, we support many different childcare funding schemes where families are eligible. With today’s tough economy and recent inflation levels, we know that families will welcome such help to make childcare more affordable.

7. The Nursery Has Undergone a Stunning Refurbishment

During the first half of 2024, the nursery underwent a significant refurbishment.During the first half of 2024, the nursery underwent a significant refurbishment and the results really speak for themselves. It’s a real facelift that includes beautiful new flooring, refreshed paintwork, re-plastered walls, renewed skirting, lovely bright downlighters, new storage areas, new bathrooms, new hallway carpet, and a modern, spacious feel. There are some lovely new interior design touches too, which spark new life into the nursery and preschool areas. New furniture, resources and enhancements are also included to make this a more exciting, stimulating, and engaging place for children to spend time. These include details like new bifold doors to allow free-flow access from indoors to the outdoor areas when appropriate. You can see some of the refurbishments here.

8. Children Love our Extensive Gardens & Outdoor Areas

Our extensive outdoor space is a wonderful area for children to explore, discover, play, and learn.Few childcare nurseries and preschools can claim to have as large an outdoor space as Little Acorns Nursery in Hindley Green. Our extensive outdoor space is a wonderful area for children to explore, discover, play, and learn. Including both undercover areas and open areas, there are nature zones, sensory areas, a variety of exciting play areas, counting areas, and a stimulating array of equipment. This includes construction toys and equipment, creative activities, sand play, water play, bicycles and scooters, play houses and, of course, more standard climbing frames, slides, and suchlike. Children can benefit here from both structured and free play in a safe but exciting outdoor environment.

“The nursery has a huge outdoor area which is perfect as my daughter loves the outdoors. I feel so lucky to have found a nursery with such a wonderful and happy environment for my daughter.”— Louise M (via the Day Nurseries website, May 2024. Overall Experience: 5 out of 5).

9. Photos & Regular Updates for Parents

A smartphone app allows staff to send parents regular updates about their child’s day at the setting. This is a really useful tool, for example, to help parents see how well their child is fitting in when they first start nursery. It also shows parents some of the activities children are taking part in and includes commentary from staff. It’s a great way for parents to connect, monitor their child’s progress and be assured of their well-being, despite being away from their child.

“I get photos and updates and this really helps settle my mind when I’m at work.” — Ashley G (via the Day Nurseries website, April 2024. Overall Experience: 5 out of 5).

10. Skilled & Experienced Staff

Little Acorns Nursery employs high-calibre childcare staff who are caring, experienced and skilled.Little Acorns Nursery employs high-calibre childcare staff who are caring, experienced and skilled. Naturals with the children, they are also qualified as a minimum when they start in paediatric first aid, safeguarding, and basic food hygiene although many have qualifications that far exceed that baseline. Staff also have the support of a CPD programme, for continuous professional development, which includes access to training courses and tools that will further their skill set. That’s a win-win-win as the staff, the nursery and the children will all benefit. The Ofsted inspector also commented on the quality of staff at the most recent inspection:

“The high priority given to continuing professional development has resulted in a team of many skilled and experienced staff. This has a positive impact on the quality of education for all children, including those who are disadvantaged.” — Ofsted (April 2023).

11. Childcare Tailored for Every Child

Some of the most fundamental goals at Little Acorns Nursery are to bring out the best in each and every child and, in turn, set them up for future success. Our professional childcare practitioners and leadership team do everything they can to achieve such goals, including through a learning and development programme that’s tailored for each child — after all, every child is different. From the outset, this is achieved in part via two-way feedback with parents and, where required in the case of those with special needs, the use of external professional expertise. In this way, every child’s strengths can be made even stronger and any weaker areas given focus to bring them up to speed.

“Staff work closely with parents right from the start to assess and plan how to meet children’s individual needs.” — Ofsted (April 2023).

12. Excellent Support for Children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND)

Little Acorns Nursery is indeed excellent in its support for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (‘SEND’). The Ofsted inspector perhaps said it best when they visited in 2023:

“The special educational needs coordinator (SENCo) successfully uses her comprehensive knowledge of local arrangements for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). She links closely with other supporting professionals, accurately assesses need and identifies precise targets for learning. Through strong relationships with staff, children with SEND progress well, particularly in their understanding and communication.” — Ofsted.

13. We Ready Children for School

One of our key aims and indeed strengths is to prepare every child for starting school. So, during their time with us, we do everything we can to nurture them in every area of their learning and development. We ensure they have the knowledge and skills they’ll need so that, when the time comes to leave us to begin school, they’ll hit the ground running and absolutely thrive in their journey forward to school — and beyond.

“The carefully thought out curriculum helps children to gain the kinds of knowledge and skills they need in readiness for their future move to school.”— Ofsted (April 2023).

14. Hygge

An example of Hygge at Little Acorns Nursery, Hindley Green, near Wigan.Little Acorns is also one of only a few Hygge-inspired childcare nurseries and this facet helps make the setting even more of a home-from-home for little ones. Hygge (pronounced “Hue-gah”) is a Danish and Norwegian word that describes the kind of lifestyle that has cosiness, contentment, and well-being at its centre. A Hygge-style environment will therefore be one that appreciates natural materials like wood and warm, homely, child-friendly, decor like rugs and cushions. Hygge also encourages a real appreciation of nature amongst both staff and children. Put simply, Hygge makes Little Acorns Nursery a better place to be. Learn more about the nursery’s developing Hygge approach here.

15. The Benefits of Being Privately Owned

Little Acorns is an independently owned nursery rather than a large faceless ‘group’ that sets rules from somewhere hundreds of miles away. By being independent, our leadership team is more agile and able to adapt quickly for the best interests of the nursery and its children. Being a small independent also means your child won’t be ‘lost’ in the system but, rather, will be part of our nursery family. Little Acorns really is a home-from-home for every child.

The Best Nursery for Your Child in Hindley Green, Wigan

Little Acorns Nursery & Pre-School in Hindley Green, near Wigan, Bolton & ManchesterLittle Acorns Nursery in Hindley Green is rated as a good childcare provider by Ofsted.We hope today’s article has given local parents food for thought in their search for the best nursery & preschool in Hindley Green or a good childcare provider within a convenient distance of Wigan, Bickershaw, Leigh, Atherton, Westhoughton, Ince-in-Makerfield, Platt Bridge, Tyldesley, Bolton or Greater Manchester. Get in touch to find out more, come for a visit, or register your child for a place:

Connect With Us on Social Media — for Latest Nursery News & Early Years Information

Connect With Us on Social Media — for Latest Nursery News & Early Years Information

This is a message to parents, guardians and caregivers of children under five, especially if they’re attending Little Acorns Nursery in Hindley Green. Please connect with us on social media to keep up to date with news and useful information. We regularly publish updates including some of the goings-on at the nursery/preschool itself as well as highly useful information about parenting, early years education, childcare, and much more. You can follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and X (formerly Twitter). And, of course, we post highly useful articles right here on our blog. Read on for more details.

“Please connect with us on social media to keep up to date with news and useful information.”

Follow Little Acorns Nursery on Facebook

Subscribe to our Facebook channel, particularly if your child attends Little Acorns Nursery in Hindley Green. Facebook is one of our key social media channels through which parents of our nursery children can see many of the activities they have taken part in. If you follow us, you’ll see the little ones being creative, learning through play, taking part in a wide variety of tasks, playing outside and indoors, going on excursions, and learning while enjoying themselves in many different ways.

We’re @littleacornshindleygreen on Facebook and you can follow us on Facebook here.

Follow Us on Instagram

You can follow us on Instagram too. Little Acorns Nursery publishes a pictorial quick reference and links to many of our super-useful and informative blog posts, plus photos of the children playing, discovering, and learning. It’s especially suited to those who like to scroll for mainly photo-based updates and information on handheld devices like smartphones.

We’re @LittleAcornsHindleyGreen on Instagram and you can follow us on Instagram here.

Follow Us on Pinterest

Little Acorns Nursery has a Pinterest profile too. If you don’t yet use Pinterest, it’s highly recommended as a place to save or view curated ‘pin boards’ of interesting and useful content linked from around the Internet. Our own Pinterest channel has separate pinboards for Little Acorns blog posts, the early years, nature activities for under-fives, early years parenting, sensory activity ideas for little ones, outdoor play, nursery school activities and preschool. We may add more in due course.

On Pinterest, we are @LittleAcornsNurseryWN2, so please follow us on Pinterest here.

Follow Us on X (formerly Twitter)

Little Acorns Nursery is also on X (formerly Twitter) and, if you follow us on that channel, you’ll be able to see our highly useful posts and curated reposts about everything to do with childcare and the early years, as well as activity ideas for under-fives and posts showing what the children and babies have been up to at the nursery/preschool.

We’re @LittleAcornsWN2 on X, so please follow us on X here.

Bookmark Our News Blog

Last but not least, we publish highly useful information relating to children under five – every month – here on the blog. This will be useful whether or not your child attends the nursery as it will include well-researched posts, findings of studies relating to the early years, childcare funding information, interesting articles, updates from the Hindley Green nursery itself, plus a whole lot more. Our news blog can be found here (once there, you can bookmark it simply by clicking Ctrl + d on your keyboard).

Please Leave Us a Review

If you are a happy parent of a child at our Hindley Green nursery, we’d love it if you would be kind enough to leave us some positive feedback. Here are some options:

Of course, if there is anything you’re not happy about, please get in touch so that we can remedy it right away.

Many thanks!

Little Acorns Nursery, Hindley Green

Are you looking for a high-quality nursery in Hindley Green, or near Wigan?

Little Acorns Nursery & Pre-School in Hindley Green, near Wigan, Bolton & ManchesterLittle Acorns Nursery in Hindley Green is rated as a good childcare provider by Ofsted.Little Acorns is a very good nursery & preschool, located in Hindley Green. That’s also close to Wigan, Bickershaw, Leigh, Atherton, Westhoughton, Ince-in-Makerfield, Platt Bridge, Tyldesley, Bolton and Greater Manchester. So, if you have a child under five and live near any of those locations, do consider Little Acorns for your weekday childcare. We’re rated by Ofsted as a ‘Good Provider’ of childcare and early years education and also support various free Government childcare funding schemes for eligible families. Most importantly, though, we give babies, toddlers and preschoolers the very best start in life by bringing out the best in each one. If you’d like your child to absolutely thrive and live in the Wigan area, please get in touch:

Open Days for Little Acorns Nursery Hindley Green – July 2024

Open Days for Little Acorns Nursery Hindley Green – July 2024

Little Acorns Nursery & Pre-School in Hindley Green, near Wigan, Bolton & ManchesterLittle Acorns Nursery in Hindley Green is rated as a good childcare provider by Ofsted.Little Acorns Nursery in Hindley Green is holding three open days in July 2024. So, if you are a parent, guardian, or caregiver of a baby or child under five in the Hindley Green region, register to come along. We’d love to meet you and show you and your little one around! You’ll be able to see the wonderful, newly refurbished setting in action, its incredible resources and equipment, the extensive outdoor grounds with all their different zones, and the happy children learning through play at this amazing childcare setting near Wigan.

Nursery Open Days 2024
Tuesday 23rd | Thursday 25th | Friday 26th July

Register for an Open Day: Call 01942 259 870

Take a look at the poster for details:

Poster for Little Acorns Nursery open days in July 2024.

Register for an Open Day: Call 01942 259 870

Little Acorns is at 74 Smiths Lane, Hindley Green, Wigan WN2 4XR. We are a superb childcare nursery & preschool in Hindley Green, near Wigan, also suitable for families requiring a good childcare nursery near Bickershaw, Leigh, Atherton, Westhoughton, Ince-in-Makerfield, Platt Bridge, Tyldesley, Bolton and Greater Manchester.


The Importance of Play in Early Childhood (Guide)

The Importance of Play in Early Childhood (Guide)

Our guide explains why play is incredibly important to children's learning and development.One of the most widely accepted truths among professionals involved in ‘early years’ education is that play is incredibly important to children. That’s not just because it comes naturally to them and is fun; play is the key tool through which children learn about themselves, each other, and the world around them. Indeed, the act of playing benefits children in a wide array of profoundly beneficial ways, including socially, mentally, physically, and emotionally. With that in mind, today’s post highlights some of the many benefits of play to children, particularly in their early years. So, if you have a child under five, take a look and you’ll soon see why encouraging your little one to play in a variety of ways will bring out the very best in them and help set them up for life.

“Play is essential to development because it contributes to the cognitive, physical, social, and emotional well-being of children” (Paediatrics Journal)

Physical Benefits of Play

Motor Skills

Active play helps children master gross and fine motor skills, balance, movement, and coordination.One of the most obvious things about children’s play is that often it gets them exerting themselves physically, as they run, climb, jump, make, create, and construct. Such activities help them to master gross and fine motor skills, balance, movement, and coordination. All such skills are enhanced significantly through play and are a fundamental building block of children’s development.

Fine-Tuning the Senses

Play also naturally gives children’s senses a workout. As such, babies and children under five will understand more deeply the relationship between what they sense during play and the physical world. Senses including touch, smell, hearing, sight, taste, and proprioception (body awareness) will all therefore become more honed as little ones play.

Strength & Fitness

As children play actively, strength, stamina, and fitness will also naturally improve. These are fundamental developmental requirements that will help children thrive physically as they grow older.

Cognitive Benefits of Play

From an early age, playing helps in the development of young minds and contributes to the rapid growth of new connections in the brain.Right from an early age, the act of playing helps in the development of young minds and even contributes to the rapid growth of new connections in the brain. This is true even for babies, whose key tool to learn about the world is through play, as they explore with their senses as well as by reaching out to grasp toys and objects around them.

Greater Creativity

Play is a superb way of boosting children’s imaginations and creativity. As they play, whether alone or with others, they will naturally imagine scenarios, role-play, find solutions to challenges, create, build, design, and invent. Such undertakings will exercise their developing brains to generate better creative skills, boost their imaginations, and help them realise new possibilities. What’s more, doing so will also be immense fun!

New Knowledge Through Natural Discovery

Play will inevitably lead to discoveries that children were previously unaware of. What may seem commonplace and normal to adults may be a new discovery to a child. For example, how gravity affects objects, how water turns to ice in the cold, how heat melts sugar, how cooking transforms dough into bread, and so on. All such things are new to a child at some point in their playful youth, and it’s often through play that such new facts, properties, reactions, and the wonders of cause and effect are first discovered. Play teaches children so much!

Enhancements to Maths & Science Skills

Playing as a child will invariably lead to activities which involve elements of science, mathematics and maths language. Whether sharing items equally between friends, adding building blocks to a tower, experimenting with liquid or sand volumes, measuring ingredients or the size of construction components, playing will involve maths and science properties at various points. Such opportunities will help children understand such concepts in the most natural of ways – during play.

Social Benefits of Play

There is a wide range of ways children can benefit socially through play.

Communication & Language

Playing boosts social skills in children.Whether playing with peers or with parents, the need to gradually master communication and language is imperative. Play helps that to happen in the most natural of ways. All the time they’re playing, children are naturally communicating, picking up new vocabulary, learning new phrases, getting to grips with grammar, and so on. Play is indeed a wonderful facilitator of communication and language.

“Children who engage in pretend play with caregivers have more advanced language skills, including a richer vocabulary and more complex sentence structures.” (Journal of Child Language).

Social Skills

Children can’t help but improve social skills when playing with peers. After all playing, at its heart, needs to remain fun and learning good social skills will help that to remain the case. Play will inevitably help children learn social skills like sharing, cooperation, teamwork, communication, conflict resolution, and good manners like taking turns and the like. Such social skills will gradually be learned naturally through the simple activity of playing. Supervising adults can, of course, nurture this by pointing children in the right direction (socially) during play.

Building of Friendships

Playing and friendships go hand-in-hand when children play nicely and communicate well. This is even more true when their social skills have been developed so that everyone is treated fairly, rules aren’t broken, peers share when appropriate, and everyone retains an agreeable approach. Many long-term friendships are born through play and these are incredibly important for children’s happiness and well-being. At their core, friendships also facilitate one crucially important benefit — that of fitting in and therefore belonging.

Emotional Benefits of Play

Playing is fun and makes children happy. That's important!Playing is an integral part of every happy childhood. It’s fun and, put simply, makes children happy. That’s wonderful for children’s emotional and spiritual well-being and the importance of that cannot be overstated.

“Play can lower cortisol levels, a hormone associated with stress, and promote a sense of well-being in children.” (Psychological Science).

Playing helps children to develop emotionally. When playing with peers, for example, they can start to think about things from each other’s perspective through activities like sharing, role-playing, playing games by agreed rules, and so on. Through endeavours like these, their emotional intelligence will grow, their ability to feel empathy will increase, and they will become more perceptive and understanding of others. These are important traits for their social and emotional growth, all achieved through the simple act of playing.

Play Benefits Children Holistically

Play benefits children in a completely holistic way.As we have seen in this article, play benefits children in a completely holistic way. Play enhances their lives through a multitude of benefits that include improved skills and abilities, a deeper understanding of the world and society, solid friendships and the myriad of opportunities that all of that will bring. Play also fosters a deeper love of learning, because play makes learning enjoyable. Indeed, through play, children explore, discover, and learn instinctively — with zero ‘friction’. As such, play should be at the very core of every child’s learning and development journey.

Learning Through Play at Little Acorns Nursery, Hindley Green

Little Acorns Nursery & Pre-School in Hindley Green, near Wigan, Bolton & ManchesterLittle Acorns Nursery in Hindley Green is rated as a good childcare provider by Ofsted.Settings like Little Acorns Nursery in Hindley Green understand well the importance of play in the early years. That’s why we encourage children under five to learn through play in our childcare setting. At Little Acorns, we ensure babies, toddlers and preschoolers have all the equipment, tools, resources and spaces to nurture exploration, experimentation, natural discovery and instinctive learning through play opportunities. Well-trained and experienced early years practitioners at the setting will help little ones to make the most of these learning opportunities, guiding them when necessary and employing both structured and unstructured play activities. Learning goals, tailored to each child, are all part of this too, as are continuous assessments to ensure every child is on track to reach personal bests in every area of their learning and development. In this way, every child at Little Acorns Nursery is set up to absolutely thrive.

To explore a possible nursery place for your child at Little Acorns Nursery in Hindley Green, please get in touch using one or more of the following options:

We are a first-class nursery & preschool in Hindley Green, near Wigan, and may also suit families nearby in Bickershaw, Leigh, Atherton, Westhoughton, Ince-in-Makerfield, Platt Bridge, Tyldesley, Bolton and Greater Manchester.


A Beautiful Make-Over for Little Acorns Nursery, Hindley Green

A Beautiful Make-Over for Little Acorns Nursery, Hindley Green

The start of 2024 saw the commencement of a wonderful new refurbishment at the nursery. Little Acorns Nursery’s owners and management organised some significant improvements, which are already well-progressed upstairs and will continue on the ground floor of this Hindley Green childcare setting. Today we take a closer look and share with you some images of the progress and remarkable facelift that’s taking place. We’ll update you again in later months when the work is complete. Enjoy!

Why the Refurbishment?

As many will know, we took on the existing premises fairly recently and, before that, it had not been significantly updated in probably 20 years or more. In view of this, a refurbishment project was designed to update the overall aesthetics of the setting, tidy things up, and give the nursery a more modern, fresh look. While doing so, lighting, storage, flooring and other facilities are also being improved.

Work Started Early in January

Following a thorough risk assessment, work began right at the start of January this year. Initially, the focus has been on the classrooms upstairs. The structure to the ceiling there was totally renewed to both improve it and create extra storage in the loft area above. A method of easy access was installed to facilitate the use of this new storage space by staff. While working on the new ceiling structure, downlighters were spaced around the new ceilings and these vastly improved the lighting. Walls have been freshly plastered, skirtings were renewed and all painted in a lovely, fresh white. The spaces now have a lovely light, spacious and open feel about them.

For the flooring, luxury vinyl tiling was laid and, as you can see in some of the photographs, this is a high-quality floor that gives the rooms a modern, warm, and spacious feel. It will also be easy to keep clean. We’re also aiming for the spaces upstairs to be clutter-free once complete.

As you can see, the upstairs classrooms are already looking calming and inviting. We’re sure it will look even more fabulous once it’s all decked out with new furniture. In addition, resources and other enhancements will be added for the children. These will be things that they will find exciting, engaging and, in turn, will promote development. We can’t wait to see it all finished and it’s going to be wonderful for the children!

New Bathroom, New Hallway

The bathroom for the children was also renewed completely to bring things up to date.

In addition, the hallway and stairwell were completely overhauled with a lovely new carpet to the stairs, newly plastered walls and fresh new paint on all surfaces.

Next Steps

We’re currently sourcing new furniture in readiness for the newly refurbished nursery, particularly now that the upstairs is so far advanced. Some of the photographs also hint at some of the lovely interior design elements that are already beginning to bring the spaces to life.

Next on the agenda is an equally thorough refurbishment of the downstairs areas. We will have new flooring, a lovely new downstairs bathroom, spotlights throughout, new plastering, fresh paint, and refreshed skirting boards.

The ‘archways’ will also be sealed off and essentially removed. This will minimise noise ingress from one room to another.

An existing flat roof will be completely taken down and replaced with a new one. That will occur during the forthcoming Easter break, so as to avoid disruption to the day-to-day workings of the nursery. We will also install modern bi-fold doors that will give flexible and free-flowing access to the outdoor areas when appropriate.

Eventually, we’ll also renew the external signage, although this is likely to follow after the more involved improvements to the interiors are complete.

The Nursery Remained Open Throughout!

Incredibly, the childcare nursery remained – and will continue to remain – open, right through the refurbishment process. That’s accomplished through careful planning, regular health and safety risk assessments with sign-off by all relevant parties, and careful control over which areas children and workmen have access to. It’s rather like conducting a well-practised orchestra! Families were and still are, of course, also kept informed via verbal communication, signage, and also through updates sent out to families via our “Famly” smartphone app. Rest assured, the health, safety and well-being of our children is our topmost priority throughout all changes occurring at Little Acorns Nursery in Hindley Green. Once complete, the day-to-day lives of both staff and children will be hugely enhanced.

We’ll publish updates on the further progress of the refurbishments over the coming months, so watch this space!

About Little Acorns Nursery School, Hindley Green, near Wigan

The best start for babies and children under 5 with a comprehensive Early Years education

Little Acorns Nursery & Preschool in Hindley Green, near Wigan, Bolton & ManchesterLittle Acorns Nursery in Hindley Green is rated as a good childcare provider by Ofsted.

At Little Acorns Nursery in Hindley Green, babies and children under five receive a high-quality early years education in a wonderful nursery and preschool. Here, they are nurtured, feel valued, and are exceptionally well cared for. The setting is warm and inviting too — a real home-from-home for little ones — with highly professional childcare practitioners on hand to bring out the very best in them. We have fabulous facilities and resources too, both inside and out, and are a ‘good provider‘ — and that’s official according to Ofsted. We also support many Government-funded childcare schemes, thereby being able to supply free childcare hours for eligible local families.

Contact Little Acorns Nursery today and we’ll be delighted to explore with you the opportunity for your child to attend the nursery:

As a nursery/preschool located in Hindley Green, Wigan, WN2, we may also suit families looking for childcare services conveniently close to Bickershaw, Leigh, Atherton, Westhoughton, Ince-in-Makerfield, Platt Bridge, Tyldesley, and Bolton.


Funny Quotes About Parenthood: a Collection of the Funniest Quotations from Parents

Funny quotes about parenthood: a collection of the funniest quotations from parents.

We regularly stumble upon funny quotes about parenthood and have been saving some of the best into an archive. This week, we have gathered some of our favourites and, today, share with you our curated collection for your entertainment. Every one of them made us chuckle and indeed that was our ‘acid test’ for inclusion in this post. We hope you find them as amusing as we did! We’re sure that many of the quotations will resonate, particularly if you’re a parent. So, with that said, why not have a short break and take a look?

Our Favourite Funny Quotes About Parenthood

Aren’t they funny? We’ll also follow up in the future with a similar post which showcases funny quotes by children. Little ones can say the funniest things, so look out for that in due course.

Little Acorns Nursery School: High-Quality Childcare in Hindley Green

A Complete Early Years Education for Babies & Children Under 5

Little Acorns Nursery & Preschool in Hindley Green, near Wigan, Bolton & ManchesterLittle Acorns Nursery in Hindley Green is rated as a good childcare provider by Ofsted.Little Acorns Nursery in Hindley Green offers a first-class early years education and high-quality childcare for babies and children under five. Ours is a warm, welcoming, home-from-home environment where children feel loved, valued, and well cared for. With a learning and development programme that’s tailored to each child and a team of outstanding early years practitioners overseeing their care, we bring out the very best in every child. So, if you would like to give your child the very best start in life, consider Little Acorns Nursery for your child’s early years education and weekday childcare. Ofsted rates us as a ‘good’ provider and we support many different childcare funding options. At Little Acorns Nursery, your child will be in safe and capable hands.

Get in touch today to explore a possible nursery/preschool place for your child. Please select an option below to get started:

Our nursery may also suit families looking for a childcare service close to Hindley Green and the WN2 postcode. For example, the nursery is very near Wigan, Bickershaw, Leigh, Atherton, Westhoughton, Ince-in-Makerfield, Platt Bridge, Tyldesley, and Bolton.


Discover Minibeasts – A Fun Nature Activity for Children

Discover Minibeasts – A Fun Nature-Based Activity for Children

Today's activity comes with a free A3 poster that families can download to help identify 30 types of creature.Today’s ‘Discover Minibeasts’ post is the third in our series of nature-based activities for children. And, as with the bird spotting and the butterfly spotting activities, this one also comes with a free A3 poster for families to download. Children will be able to use the poster to identify the 30 different species of minibeast that are featured. From ants and aphids to weevils, woodlice and worms, there are some fascinating critters for children to look out for.

Did you know? There are about 25,000 different types of minibeast in the UK!

Minibeast spotting is a great activity that will help to nurture children’s interest in outdoor play and nature — and that’s important. Study after study shows that spending time in nature is hugely beneficial to children of all ages. As well as helping children physically, emotionally and spiritually, nature and outdoor play help them learn new skills and can even improve grades (follow that last bold link for more details). What’s more, it can lead to a life-long love and appreciation of nature and The Great Outdoors, as well as encouraging children to learn about ecological issues like global warming, habitat loss and the need to protect the natural world. Such is the potential power of today’s humble minibeast-spotting activity! With that in mind, why not download our free poster today? It’s completely free and no sign-up of any kind is needed.

Preview of the Free Minibeasts Poster:

Preview of the A3 poster. Click to download it (full instructions can be found below the image).

How to Download the Poster

Simply click the large poster preview image or this link to view/download the high-resolution version (whether you left-click or right-click to download will depend upon your particular browser settings — try both if you’re unsure). The file is less than 3MB in size. You will need Acrobat Reader on your device, which is available free of charge here. When printing out, we recommend using full colour and high-quality settings and paper for the best results. You/your child can alternatively view the poster on screen, e.g. on an iPad or tablet, which will allow you/your child to zoom in for the highest detail.

Given that minibeasts are mostly found outdoors, it’s important for children, especially the very young, to be supervised, for safety purposes. There are many potential dangers outside, so parents or caregivers will need to be vigilant around these when supervising little ones.

Tips for Spotting Minibeasts

Once children are armed with handheld versions of their minibeast posters, they’ll need to work out where best to spot them. The good news is that minibeasts are almost everywhere there are plants, trees and soil. Children can look for the more visible minibeasts like bees, butterflies, caterpillars, moths, ladybirds, aphids and hoverflies simply by looking for flowers and plants, which are a food source for such critters. Other minibeasts like grubs and earthworms may be found within soil and compost, so a little (gentle) digging around may prove fruitful for them — but care will need to be taken not to harm the little creatures. Meanwhile, the best places to find creatures like beetles, woodlice, millipedes and centipedes are generally going to be under things. For example, they may have their homes under piles of leaves, under flower pots, under rotting logs and — the best place of all for minibeasts — in the compost heap!

Be Gentle — Encourage Empathy

When supervising children for this minibeast-spotting activity — or any other involving animals and insects — please be sure to teach children about gentleness and empathy. Minibeasts are small and fragile creatures, so ideally should be looked at but not touched or disturbed. Teach children that each is an individual, with its own life, needs and feelings. Minibeasts will also not want to be taken from their homes, wherever those may be. So, please do encourage children to be gentle and kind, just like they’d like to be treated themselves if it were the other way around. Thank you.

Is your toddler frightened of insects like spiders? If so, try naming them, for example, “Simon the Spider”. In this way, children will begin to associate each as an individual, rather than just a scary and nameless critter. This approach can really help!

Discover Minibeasts!

All in all, minibeast spotting is a fun and fascinating activity for children to take part in and is perfect for the spring, summer and autumn seasons. As well as being fun, educational and worthwhile it also raises children’s interest in ecological matters. For example, it may lead children to realise the need to nurture the natural world, the problems associated with harmful pesticides and weedkillers, and the need to leave natural, undisturbed areas for wildlife to flourish. Children will eventually become the stewards of our beloved Planet Earth, so educating them early about looking after the planet is crucial for the existence not only of the flora and fauna, but also for mankind itself.

A Focus on Nature at Little Acorns Nursery, Hindley Green

Little Acorns Nursery & Preschool in Hindley Green, near Wigan, Bolton & ManchesterLittle Acorns Nursery in Hindley Green is rated as a good childcare provider by Ofsted.The childcare professionals at Little Acorns Nursery know full well how important nature is to children as part of their early years learning and development. That’s why we’re adopting the ‘Hygge’ lifestyle at the setting. We ensure children get ample access to outdoor spaces to play, explore and learn in whenever possible. Even indoors, children get access to natural materials and resources.

Do you have a child under five and live in the Hindley Green area, near Wigan, or in a nearby location like Bickershaw, Leigh, Atherton, Westhoughton, Ince-in-Makerfield, Platt Bridge, Tyldesley, or Bolton? If so, Little Acorns Nursery offers a first-class early years education and weekday childcare service that’ll give your little one the very best start in life. We’ll nurture them and do everything we can to help them develop into the very best version of themselves so that they’re fully prepared and ready for school by the time they leave us as they approach the age of five. What’s more, we support Government funding including free childcare schemes for eligible families. Get in touch today to register your child for a nursery/preschool place, book a guided tour of the nursery or ask a question. We’re here to help!

Discover British Birds – A Fun Nature Activity for Children

Discover British Birds – A Fun Nature Activity for Children

Today's nature-based activity comes with a free poster download for children/families to print out and use as a checklist.Today, in a follow-up to the butterfly-spotting activity that we published in May, we bring you a matching bird-spotting activity for children to take part in. The activity will help to nurture children’s interest in birds and nature, which is beneficial to children in a myriad of different ways. It’ll also encourage them to recharge in the fresh air, outdoors, and escape from electronic screens and toys for a while. Outdoor play is important for little ones and many studies have backed this up.

Free Bird Poster

Like before, today’s article comes with a free reference poster for families to download and print out. The poster features 40 different species of bird that can be found in Britain. Most are fairly common, with just a handful that are more shy or seen more rarely. Children, including those under five, can display the A3 poster on their bedroom or nursery wall, or print it out as a smaller hand-out to use as reference when they’re outdoors. The visual reference will allow children to see how many different birds they can spot over the course of a year, we suggest. Supervising adults can help them to learn the bird names too, as we appreciate the youngest may not yet be able to read the names unaided. Take a look at the poster preview below and download it for your child today.

Preview of the Free Bird Poster:

Preview of the free poster download - click to view/download (see instructions panel).

Download Instructions

Depending on your settings, you can usually left- or right-click the image above (or this link) to either open it on screen or save it to your device. Once opened in Acrobat Reader , your child will also be able to view the images large, by zooming in, to get all the fine detail. If printing out, we recommend using high-quality printing paper and the finest colour settings for best results. Print at A3 to use as a poster or A4 to use as hand-outs for your children to take outdoors.

Tips for Spotting Birds

As well as being a fun, nature-based activity, bird spotting can teach children valuable skills like patience, stealth, observation, perseverance, critical thinking and empathy to name just a few. With that in mind, here are some tips that may help children to see more types of birds when taking part in this activity.

  • Try different locations and a variety of natural environments, including at different times of the year (spring to autumn). Your child will see different types of birds by using this approach. Please note, however, that we have not included waterfowl in our poster, although may keep that option up our sleeves for a future poster/activity.
  • Teach children to keep movements and sound minimal when they’re waiting for birds to come to a particular spot, so the birds are not frightened away.
  • If moving, for example through a forest, moving quietly and stealthily will ensure that children will see more types of birds. Care even over each footstep will help if it means that children will avoid making a ‘crack’ because they stepped on a twig. Such an approach will also help them hone their balance and gross motor skills, as well as make the activity feel more exciting.
  • Attracting birds with the right kinds of bird food will help with this activity. In gardens, ‘peanut cakes’, suet seed balls, sunflower ‘hearts’ (seeds with the outer husk removed) and, sparingly, grated Cheddar cheese are always popular.
  • The use of binoculars or monoculars will help spot birds further away. For safety, children should use them only under adult supervision and avoid pointing them towards the sun and other bright objects.
  • Teach children to also listen out for the various bird calls, as those can give away the location and even type of birds.
  • Encourage children to develop a ‘keen eye’, i.e. good observational skills that are proactive as well as reactive.

Why This Activity is Important

As well as being fun, educational and beneficial to children through time spent in nature, bird-spotting helps to draw children’s attention to the plight of birds, other wild creatures and the natural environment. Sadly, the number of birds has dropped by nearly 60% in the UK since 1979. The population of house sparrows alone has declined by almost 22 million in the last 57 years. The Chief Executive of the RSPB stated the following after 2023’s Big Garden Birdwatch:

“The numbers speak for themselves when it comes to the startling declines of some of our once common birds…
We are in a nature and climate emergency and we’ve lost 38 million birds from our skies in the last 50 years.”

Nature activities like butterfly-spotting, bird-spotting, country walks and outdoor play around nature will help foster children’s interest in the Great Outdoors and the simple pleasures associated with spending time in the natural environment. That alone is very good for both body and soul. In parallel, though, such activities are also likely to encourage an interest in ecology, conservation, reversing habitat loss, and eco-friendly lifestyles. All of these benefit the world itself. Moreover, such interests often last a lifetime. So, this simple type of children’s activity can have a real domino effect.

Nature-Based Activities for Under-5s at Little Acorns Nursery, Hindley Green

Little Acorns Nursery & Preschool in Hindley Green, near Wigan, Bolton & ManchesterLittle Acorns Nursery in Hindley Green is rated as a good childcare provider by Ofsted.Because spending time around nature is so important, the team at Little Acorns Nursery in Hindley Green ensure that children get good access to nature, nature-based activities and even natural materials. This approach is backed up by our adoption of Hygge’ at the setting. This, together with our first-class approach to early years childcare, give babies, toddlers and preschoolers a great start in life, giving them all the tools to absolutely thrive. As well as that, we also support all Government-funded childcare places for eligible families.

Why not register your little one for a childcare place at Little Acorns Nursery in Hindley Green, near Wigan? Get in touch using a button below and we’ll be happy to show you and your little one around, answer questions and register them for a nursery place.

Little Acorns is a high-quality nursery & preschool in Hindley Green, near Wigan. We are also nearby to Bickershaw, Leigh, Atherton, Westhoughton, Ince-in-Makerfield, Platt Bridge, Tyldesley, Bolton and Greater Manchester, so may also suit families living or working in those locations.

Safety & Well-Being

Before we sign off from this post, we should mention the topic of safety and well-being for children. Vigilance around these is critical and seldom more crucial than when children are spending time outdoors. Children, especially the very young, should therefore be closely supervised by a responsible adult at all times, paying special attention to hazards including ponds and water sources of any kind, poisonous plants, toxic chemicals (weedkiller, pest killer etc.), trip hazards, nasty drops and uneven ground, sources of germs, barbed wire and other sharp objects, roads, railways and traffic, potential allergens, choking hazards, stranger danger, risks around becoming lost, and so on. Parents/adults will need to constantly watch out for potential risks and teach children to do so too. This list is not exhaustive, so do your research/assessments.